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Cincinnati Women's Political Caucus is dedicated to the eradication of sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, ageism, violence, poverty, discrimination against the disabled and discrimination on the basis of religion, and to ensuring reproductive freedom and freedom of sexual orientation.


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See the most recent list of endorsed candidates.

 Our Thirty Eighth Annual Outstanding Achievement Awards Reception, all the proceeds of which go to our endorsed candidates and endorsed issues, will be held this year on Thursday, May 23, 2024, from 5:30 p.m. to7:30 p.m. at the Contemporary Arts Center.  At this event we honor extraordinary women who, through their life’s work and efforts, have contributed to the advancement of women’s rights and to the furtherance of the growth of the community.


This year, we are extremely proud to be honoring three women with our Woman of Achievement Award.  Lauren Blauvelt is the Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio and Chief Public Affairs Officer of Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio.  Christi Bryant Kuhns is currently President and Chief Executive Officer at the Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio.  Prior to that she was Chief of Staff to Chief Operating Officer & Vice President of Operations & Community Relations at UC Health, and served as Ohio State Representative for the 32nd House District.  Charmaine McGuffey is currently the Sheriff of Hamilton County.  Prior to being elected sheriff in November 2020, she held the rank of sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and major. Sheriff McGuffey is a reformer and effective leader committed to move our justice system from one of hard incarceration to one that offers opportunities for rehabilitation.  All our honorees have worked to make our region and the world the best it can be.


Once again, this will be CWPC’s major fundraising event for 2024. The funds we raise are all contributed to our endorsed candidates and issues. We ask that you give generously, as the more money we raise, the more CWPC-PAC can contribute to and promote increased participation of candidates and issues which support and will work for the goals of CWPC:  the social, economic, and political advancement of women.


There are several ways to contribute. You can be a Donor for $100, a Sponsor for $150.00, a Patron for $250.00, a Benefactor for $500.00, or an Underwriter for $1,000.00 and above.  A gift in any of these categories received by May 10thth includes your name in the program, and your admission to the reception. Regular tickets for the event are $50.  You can register through Eventbrite.  The link to register is: .


You can also send a check payable to CWPC-PAC to Barbara Myers, 2392 Dana Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208, or you can give your credit card information. The attached form has all the information re contributions. Regular tickets for the event are $50. 


Since you are donating to a PAC, by law we are required to disclose the names of donors and the value of their donations in our financial filing statement. Corporate donations/checks are prohibited.


We look forward to seeing you on May 23rd. Your support of and contribution to CWPC is vital and much appreciated.

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