About CWPC
The purpose of the CWPC is to organize a multi-partisan coalition of persons from all backgrounds, economic levels and political concerns to provide a vehicle to participate in the political and governmental processes and advance their status through political action in the following ways:
To help ensure equal rights and opportunities for candidates to hold office.
To encourage and educate women to express their views in a politically effective manner.
To encourage and support women in gaining decision-making positions within the political parties.
To seek and encourage qualifies women candidates to hold office.
To support candidates who have shown themselves committed to the rights and needs of women.
To assure women of all ages, races, religions, disabilities, cultural backgrounds, sexual preferences, and socioeconomic groups an equal voice in decision-making and selection of delegates and candidates at all levels.
To draft, support, and lobby for appropriate legislation at all levels of government.
To encourage, support and recommend the appointment of women to positions of political and governmental leadership.